

int n, K;
const int MAXN = 64*64*2;
const int MAXM = MAXN*8;
const int SIZE_QUEUE = 13;
int mat[64][64];
int w[MAXN];
int cost[MAXM],cap[MAXM];
int nxt[MAXM], name[MAXM];
int st[MAXN];
int nedges;
int flow[MAXM];
int sp[MAXN], from[MAXN];
int oo = 0x7f7f7f7f;

struct CicleQueue{
	int _data[two(SIZE_QUEUE)];
	int& operator[](int a){
		return _data[a&two(SIZE_QUEUE)-1];

CicleQueue Q;
bool spfa(int src, int dst, int n){
	bitset<MAXN> mk;
	memset(sp,0x3f,(sizeof sp));
	memset(from,-1,(sizeof from));
	mk[src] = true;
	sp[src] = 0;

	int qs = 0, qe = 1;
	Q[qs] = src;
	for(;qs != qe;){
		int cur = Q[qs++];
		for(int i = st[cur]; i != -1; i = nxt[i] )if( flow[i] ){
			int son = name[i];
			int better = sp[cur] + cost[i];
			if( better < sp[son] ){
				sp[son] = better;
				from[son] = i;
				if( !mk[ son ] ){
					mk[son] = true;
					Q[qe++] = son;
		mk[cur] = false;
	return from[dst] != -1;

int min_cost_max_flow(int src, int dst, int n){
	int maxflow = 0, mincost = 0;
		if( !spfa(src, dst, n)){
			return mincost ;
		int aug = oo;
		for(int i = from[dst]; i != -1; i = from[name[i^1]] ){
			checkMin( aug, flow[i] );
		if( !aug ) return mincost;

		maxflow += aug;
		mincost += sp[dst] * aug;
		for(int i = from[dst]; i != -1; i = from[name[i^1]] ){
			flow[i] -= aug;
			flow[i^1] += aug;
	return mincost;

void init_edge(){
	memset(nxt,-1,(sizeof nxt));
	memset(st,-1,(sizeof st));
	nedges = 0;
void add_edge(int a, int b, int w, int c){
	cap[nedges] = w;
	cost[nedges] = c;
	name[nedges] = b;
	nxt[nedges] = st[a];
	st[a] = nedges;

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2024年1月24日 18:00

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