

namespace geometry{
	typedef complex<double> Pt;
	double eps = 1e-10;
#define X real()
#define Y imag() // Not real(), don't forget it when copy and paste
	template<class T> T ccw(const complex<T>& a, const complex<T>& b){
		return imag( conj(a) * b );
	int sign(double x){
		return fabs(x) < eps ? 0 : x < 0 ? -1 : 1;

	void line_abc(Pt s, Pt t, double &a, double &b, double &c){
		// a x + b y + c == 0
		// s.X * ( s.Y - t.Y ) - s.Y * ( s.X - t.X ) + ccw(s,t) == 0
		a = s.Y - t.Y;
		b = -(s.X - t.X);
		c = ccw(s,t);
	// 两直线交点
	char inter_line(Pt a, Pt b, Pt c, Pt d, Pt &p){
		typedef T double;
		T a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2;
		// 二元一次方程组
		// [a1 b1 c1]
		// [a2 b2 c2]
		T d = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
		if( !sign(d) ) return ( !sign(a1*c2-a2*c1) && !sign(b1*c2-b2*c1) ) ? '-' : '='; // 平行或重合
		p = Pt( (b1*c2-b2*c1) / d, -(a1*c2-a2*c1) / d );
		return 'x';
	// 两线段交点
	char inter_seg(Pt a, Pt b, Pt c, Pt d, Pt &p){
#define SERPARATE(a,b,c,d,X) sign( max(a.X,b.X), min(c.X,d.X) ) < 0
#define T double
		if( SERPARATE(a,b,c,d,X) ||
				SERPARATE(a,b,c,d,Y) ||
				SERPARATE(c,d,a,b,X) ||
				SERPARATE(c,d,a,b,Y) ){
			return '0'; // 不相交
		T u1 = ccw(b-a,c-a), u2 = (b-a,d-a);
		T u3 = ccw(d-c,a-c), u4 = (d-c,b-c);
		int bac = sign(u1), bad = sign(u2);
		int dca = sign(u3), dcb = sign(u4);
		if( bac * bad > 0 ) return '0';
		if( dca * dcb > 0 ) return '0';
		if( bac * bad < 0 && dca * dcb < 0 ){
			p.X = ( c.X * u2 - d.X * u1 ) / ( u2 - u1 );
			p.Y = ( c.Y * u2 - d.Y * u1 ) / ( u2 - u1 );
			return 'x'; //规范相交
		if( !bac && !bad ) return 'e'; // 在同一直线上且一定有交点(第一步已判显性分离)
		else if( !bac ) p = c;
		else if( !bad ) p = d;
		else if( !dca ) p = a;
		else if( !dcb ) p = b;
		else assert(0);
		return 'v'; // 端点相交
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전설 서구 说:
2021年2月28日 15:20

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NCERT Hindi Question 说:
2022年9月29日 20:08

Hindi is a very important language subject to know in India and we are here to tell you why. In this article, NCERT Hindi Question Paper Class 10 we will be discussing the importance of learning Hindi. From children to adults, everyone takes up a second language at some point in their life. With the ongoing situation, you could have not found a better time to learn a new language.Hindi is a very important language subject to know in India and we are here to tell you why. In this article.Hindi is a very important language subject to know in India and we are here to tell you why. In this article

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